Incarcerated parents and their children are PA Nepal’s major focus. Our main objective is to give prisoners and their children a better today and a brighter future. PA Nepal launched different jail programs to develop feelings of social normality and to advocate that imprisonment is not a mere solution to punish them. Prisoners can be moralized and encouraged towards righteousness and made socially acceptable. To demonstrate that there is an alternative and compassionate way to deal with prisoners, PA Nepal conducts several programs.


PA Nepal starts providing services to children in prison from the womb onwards. Once we identify pregnant women and mothers with children, we provide basic nutritional and personal hygiene support for mothers and their children. PA Nepal conducts these program in different like Central Jail, Pokhara women Jail, Palpa Jail, Dhulikhel Jail, Dillibazar Jail, Chitwan Jail, Biratnagar Jail, Birjung Jail and Chandragadhi Jail. They also support prisoners by providing a greenhouse tunnel for crops, and small fish for the pond in front of Chandragadi Jail.


PA Nepal firmly believes that an incarcerated child should not be separated from the mother until the age of four. Mother-child separation gives enormous trauma to mother as well as to the child. PA Nepal advocates for child-friendly separate cells in every prison for mothers with minor children. Fortunately, the government of Nepal has already established this cell in the Central Female jail where mothers with minor children are kept and PA Nepal provides basic supplies for mother and child as well as psychosocial counseling and an enabling environment for criminal justice. In three other prisons- Chandragadi, Jhapa, and Palpa, we provide external daycare for children of incarcerated parents. They receive Early childhood Development education, a midday meal and recreation in the day time, and in the evening return to the jail to sleep with their mothers.


Many prisoners are illiterate and cannot read and write. Not only that they are completely unaware of their basic rights and justice. The study shows that one in four prisoners in Nepal is in jail due to a false allegation. In this context, this school helps them to read and write as well as to know about basic rights and justice. PA Nepal is running the adult school in the central women jail since inception 2000 AD with coordination with the government. Ministry of Education has provided one teacher where we have managed for three along with refreshment and stationeries. Along with regular literacy and health program, we have separate classes for criminal justice, human rights along with capacity building and life enhancement training. Curranty 150 students are studying in adult school. PA Nepal is planning to scale up the adult school in all prison to create an enabling environment to ensure criminal justice to all prisoners in Nepal


PA Nepal advocates for the child-friendly separate cell in prisons for mother with minor kids. Fortunately, the government of Nepal has already set up this cell in the Central Female jail prison where the mother with minor children are kept where PA Nepal provides them basic supplies for mother and child as well as psychosocial counseling and create enabling environment for criminal justice. In three other prisons- Chandragadi, Jhapa, and Palpa, we provide external daycare for children of incarcerated parents. They receive early childhood education, a midday meal and recreation in the day time, and in the evening return to the jail to sleep with their mothers. PA Nepal provides supplementary milk, diapers clothes etc to  newborn infants and extra diet for new mothers inside prison, 

PA Nepal has arranged a daycare center set up with sleeping mattresses, early childhood educational materials and toys, playing utensils and basic medical supplies. Every day trained teachers who look after the children. Across three day care centers, 40 children and they receive nutritious midday meals and seasonal fruits.


Most of the prisoners have experienced deeply traumatic events which makes it vital for PA Nepal to monitor and care for their mental health. Wherever possible, PA Nepal employs social workers within both male and female prisoners to provide supervision, monitoring, record keeping and reporting for the welfare support programs. PA Nepal runs programs that provide and teach reflexology, acupuncture and music therapy for mentally ill prisoners with the help of mental health specialists.


In Nepal, gender discrimination impacts women in many ways. Female prisoners face difficulties adapting to society, so PA Nepal launched different programs to develop their confidence and allow them to live as normal people. PA Nepal focuses on supporting female prisoners, especially those whose children are in the organization’s care. They also support the education program in many prisons, improving women’s welfare, literacy and employment prospects.